Statistics that show the Size and Scope of the 9/11 Health Crisis facing 9/11 Responders, Survivors and their Families
Below is information on the size and extent of the health crisis facing injured and ill 9/11 responders and survivors, including residents, students, and area workers.
- There are over 137,000 Responders and Survivors who are living in every State and from 434 of 435 Congressional Districts.
- There are over 35,000 enrolled in the National Program which provides medical treatment and monitoring for 9/11 Responders who live outside the New York Metropolitan Area, including responders to the Pentagon and the Shanksville crash site and Survivors of the WTC Community that live outside of New York.
- There are over 89,000 9/11 Responders eligible to receive medical monitoring to safeguard against emerging injuries.
- There are over 46,000 9/11 Survivors enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program.
- There are 83,942 Responders and Survivors that have at least one 9/11 condition. Over two thirds of these people have more than one condition and many of those suffer from multiple injuries and illnesses.
- 46,576 9/11 Responders and Survivors sought treatment last year, for their 9/11 injury from the World Trade Center Health Program.
- Over 2,582 active-duty Fire Department personnel (Fire Fighters and EMS) and over 1,841 NYC Police Department personnel have had to retire due to disabling 9/11 injuries.
- Over 39,000 Responders and Survivors have been certified to have a 9/11 related cancer, of which over 2,689 are New York City Fire Fighters and EMS personnel.
- Over 417 New York Police Department officers and over 363 FDNY Firefighters and EMS have reportedly died of their 9/11 injuries since 9/11 and more are expected in the coming years.
- As of December 2024, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund has received 95,514 eligibility claims.
- The VCF, since being reopened, has made over 82,000 determinations for injured and ill responders and survivors or their families totaling over $14.9 Billion.
- The VCF has claims from all fifty states.
World Trade Center Health Program Statistics
WTC Health Program Membership by State and Congressional District June 2024
World Trade Center Health Program at a Glance
World Trade Center Health Program Quarterly Reports
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Program Statistics
VCF Claims by State December 2023
September 11 Victim Compensation Fund Monthly Reports
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Annual Reports
Twelfth Annual Report– Published February 12, 2024