Editorial Support – 2015
Below are links to editorials in support of injured and ill 9/11 responders, survivors and their families getting the help they need and deserve.
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2018 | 2019 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025
Passage of the Zadroga Act was long overdue (editorial)
SILive, December 21, 2015
Now the sick and dying heroes of 9/11 are guaranteed to receive U.S. health care for the rest of their lives.
EDITORIAL: Renewed Zadroga Act should be permanent
Niagra Gazette, December 19, 2015
Congress is expected to approve the renewal of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which provides health benefits for first responders who grew ill after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
The Record: Zadroga Act
Record, December 19, 2015
CONGRESS has finally guaranteed federal health benefits for the brave men and women who got sick after responding to the 9/11 attacks.
Roll of honor in passing the Zadroga bill for ailing 9/11 responders
NY Daily News, December 17, 2015
Fourteen years after 9/11, the U.S. government at last redeems the national honor by committing to care for and compensate the rescue and recovery workers who paid with their health and their lives by serving at Ground Zero.
OUR VIEW: Renewed Zadroga Act renewal should be permanent
Union-Sun & Journal, December 16, 2015
Congress is expected to approve the renewal of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which provides health benefits for first responders who grew ill after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
Zadroga Act renewal appropriate move
Daily News, December 15, 2015
The first responders and survivors of the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, share a common bond.
EDITORIAL: Congress must approve Zadroga Act to care for 9/11 responders
Post-Star, December 12, 2015
The poor treatment of 9/11 first responders started before the toxic dust had settled, with federal officials declaring the air safe to breathe and the mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, putting progress with the cleanup ahead of worker safety.
Care for America’s heroes
Times Union, December 11, 2015
In the aftermath of 9/11, then-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was often referred to as “America’s mayor.”
Failure to keep promises to first-responders is disgraceful
Idaho Mountain Express, December 9, 2015
They went into the dust, smoke and destruction of the Trade Center towers first, stayed for weeks or months, and are sick and dying as a result.
Homestretch for heroes in passing Zadroga bill for 9/11 sick
NY Daily News, December 6, 2015
The agonizingly long struggle to get Congress to fund medical care and financial assistance for the ailing and dying heroes who sacrificed their health during the rescue and recovery at the World trade Center is closer to the finish line.
Ryan’s hope for a permanent Zadroga bill for ailing 9/11 heroes and victims
NY Daily News, November 30, 2015
Congress returns Monday, setting the stage for action on legislation to permanently fund health care and compensation for sickened Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers.
As Paris reminds us, emergency responders put their lives on line, so we need to thank them in real way
Lancaster Online, November 22, 2015
The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, (HR 1786 or S. 928) would permanently renew the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and the World Trade Center Health Program; the latter provides health benefits to first responders and others who are ill because they worked at ground zero.
Our view: Renew Zadroga Act
Joplin Globe, November 20, 2015
Almost two months have passed since Congress let a health care program for 9/11 first responders expire.
Rubio’s right call on supporting the Zadroga bill for ailing WTC responders
NY Daily News, November 19, 2015
Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio has passed one test of fitness to lead America.
Editorial: Zadroga Act must be renewed
Ledger, November 19, 2015
Some observers have referred to last week’s murderous attacks in Paris as “France’s 9/11.” While we can debate whether the ISIS slaughter on Friday is exactly on point with America’s own devastating bout with Islamic terrorists back in 2001, which killed 3,000 people and toppled the iconic Twin Towers, the reference should stoke the embers of shame for many on Capitol Hill.
Don’t Let the Aid for 9/11 Responders Expire
NY Times, November 14, 2015
In a positive signal from Congress, bipartisan majorities in both houses are on record as approving permanent renewal and financing of the emergency health care and compensation programs needed by thousands of first responders to the 9/11 attacks who are suffering illnesses as a result of their labors at the devastated sites.
She gave her all for her country at Ground Zero; pass the Zadroga for Lt. Marci Simms and all the heroes
NY Daily News, November 9, 2015
Having given her last full measure of devotion to her city and country, New York Police Lt. Marci Simms was laid to rest Sunday, a casualty of the war that came from the sky on 9/11.
Congress needs to do right by 911 responders
Newsday, November 9, 2015
For shame. Two congressmen so removed from the realities of Ground Zero have proposed two bills to temporarily fund the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. Neither comes close to what first responders and others who suffer from 9/11-related illnesses need.
9/11 heroes suffer, and a ruthless congressman shrugs | Editorial
NJ.com, November 7, 2015
If the U.S. House of Representatives has an outstanding talent, it is its ability to reveal ugliness where no one ever thought to look for it.
Anything less than a permanent Zadroga extension is shameful (editorial)
SILive.com, November 3, 2015
We’re sure we’re not the only ones who are appalled at the reluctance of more than a few members of Congress to pass a permanent extension of the James L. Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
He has no shame as Rep. Bob Goodlatte tries to curb help for ailing 9/11 heroes
NY Daily News, November 3, 2015
A powerful House Republican has emerged with a message for thousands of sickened Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers: You are heroes for five years; after that, drop dead.
Pass the Zadroga bill
NY Daily News, October 27, 2015
There are distinct glimmers of hope that Washington will reauthorize funding to cover health care and compensation for sickened 9/11 rescue and recovery workers. Let’s make it happen.
The importance of renewing compensation act for 9/11 responders
Examiner, October 21, 2015
When the 9/11 tragedy struck, the people of our country could not fathom the repercussions that would follow and linger 14 years later.
‘Never forget’ some still suffer medically after 9/11 attacks: Guest commentary
LA Daily News, October 16, 2015
We started 9/11 on opposite sides of the country — an L.A. emergency room physician, airlifted into New York with her search and rescue team, and a student whose high school was across the street from Ground Zero.
Cops, cancer & Congress; help the ailing heroes and pass the Zadroga bill
NY Daily News, October 12, 2015
The rescue and recovery workers who toiled at Ground Zero in the days, weeks and months after the Sept. 11 attack breathed in air thick with toxic debris.
South Dakota letter to the editor: Renew Zadroga Act for 9/11 responders
Daily Register, October 10, 2015
I am a South Dakota native, and a Sept. 11, 2001, responder.
Editorial: Zadroga Act expires as Congress fiddles
Journal News, October 1, 2015
We must offer permanent support, through health care and compensation, for victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
Rescue the 9/11 heroes by permanently extending the Zadrogra Act
NY Daily News, September 30, 2015
A national disgrace befalls America at midnight Wednesday at the expiration of legislation authorizing compensation and medical care for rescue and recovery workers sickened by their Ground Zero service after 9/11.
9/11 First Responders need help, and Congress is indifferent | Editorial
Jersey Journal, September 27, 2015
Everybody knows there were 2,800 deaths in New York City the day the Twin Towers fell, but we tend to forget that many more die each month as the result of the 9/11 attacks.
9/11 first responders deserve more than a hashtag
Alligator, September 22, 2015
Oct. 3 marks a crucial date for more than 30,000 Americans: the expiration of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
The Record: Respect 9/11 first-responders
NorthJersey.com, September 20, 2015
AMERICANS WATCHED with horror and immense gratitude as heroes responded to the 9/11 attacks.
Editorial: Keep up the pressure, Jon
NY Daily News, September 16, 2015
Clearly put on the spot by the presence of dozens of sickened 9/11 heroes and a celebrity advocate on Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated his intention: to avert expiration of the law providing them with health-care help and other desperately needed assistance.
OUR OPINION: ‘Never forget’ must be more than a slogan
Kennebec Journal , September 13, 2015
Congress must reauthorize and fully fund the health care and compensation programs for responders and volunteers made ill by 9/11.
9/11’s forgotten victims as Congress stalls on renewing Zadroga bill to aid the sickened heroes from the WTC
NY Daily News, September 12, 2015
The reading of the names on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 once more powerfully remembered the murdered even as America struggles to meet its obligations to those who are sick and still dying.
In Our View: Congress Must Never Forget
The Columbian, September 11, 2015
The mantra, one that has been sacrosanct for 14 years now, is simple: “Never forget.”
Remembering 9/11, paging Roger Goodell, and more
Boston Globe, September 11, 2015
Congress should renew support for health care for survivors injured in the 9/11 attacks, write the editors of the New York Times.
My Turn: Help those who rushed to help after 9/11
Arizona Republic, September 10, 2015
Today, the nation marks the 14th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Editorial: Congress must act to protect 9/11 workers
Glen Falls Post-Star, September 10, 2015
Congress has shockingly forgotten what happened 14 years ago.
Will We Always Remember 9/11?
New York Times, September 10, 2015
Soon after the horrific destruction of the World Trade Center towers 14 years ago, bumper stickers abounded in parallel with the nation’s grief. “Never Forget,” one proclaimed with great resolve. “We Will Always Remember,” promised another.
Aid 9/11 heroes, survivors
Democrat & Chronicle, September 9, 2015
Some things must never be forgotten. The horrific images of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 — from the planes hitting the towers of the World Trade Center to the charred ground where United Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania — should be etched in the nation’s collective memory.
September 11, 2001 and the James Zadroga Act
Tri-County Times, September 9, 2015
September 11, 2001 and the James Zadroga Act
Editorial: Honor 9/11 heroes, make Zadroga permanent
Journal News, September 9, 2015
The clock is ticking, again, for the survivors of 9/11 and the heroic souls who headed into the chaos that day and went to work on the pile during the painful rescue and long recovery.
Don’t limit our help for 9/11 responders
Newsday, September 5, 2015
Marcy Borders was a bank clerk. But for 14 years, she was known as “the dust lady,” because of the well-known photo that captured her image after she escaped from the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Borders died last month from stomach cancer. She was 42.
Dust to dust: Mourning Marcy Borders, a symbol of survival on 9/11
NY Daily News, August 27, 2015
Among the most powerful images of 9/11 was a photo of a then-28-year-old Bank of America employee by the name of Marcy Borders, taken just after the collapse of the south tower.
OUR VIEW 9/11 heroes deserve care and compensation
Register-Star, August 19, 2015
Sometimes the government does things — or omits something — that defy logic.
One of these is how the original Zadroga Act of 2010 was allowed to collect dust for nine years before it was passed.
Grateful nation owes sick 9/11 survivors lifelong medical help (editorial)
SILive.com, August 17, 2015
The ailing heroes of Sept. 11, a disproportionate number of them Staten Islanders, ought not to be left to worry about the future of their vitally needed official health benefits.
A View of the Recovered City, and Yet …
New York Times, July 20, 2015
Closure is a clumsy description for the aftermath of 9/11. But there’s a certain sense of completion at ground zero now that the new skyscraper replacing the fallen towers is open to the flow of tourists.
Extend Zadroga Act as long as 9/11 heroes need it
Journal News, July 12, 2015
A House committee hearing just weeks ago had to relocate to a bigger meeting room when dozens of New York City firefighters showed up, determined to win reauthorization of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
Schedule the shaming as Jon Stewart goes to bat for ailing WTC heroes once again
NY Daily News, July 5, 2015
After more than 16 years on “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart ends his run next month on a very high note.
Editorial: Extend Zadroga as long as 9/11 heroes need
Journal News, July 2, 2015
A House committee hearing just weeks ago had to relocate to a bigger meeting room when dozens of New York City firefighters showed up, determined to win reauthorization of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.
A timely awakening by Chairman Fred Upton on Zadroga bill
NY Daily News, June 11, 2015
One of the most powerful Republicans in Washington set a grand example for representatives of both parties on Thursday by endorsing legislation to extend health care and compensation for sickened 9/11 responders.
Congress must help 9/11 heroes
NY Daily News, June 1, 2015
Support is building in Congress to reauthorize federal funding for the 9/11 rescue and recovery workers who have been sickened because of their service after the terror attack. Crucially, Republicans are getting on board.
Pa. members of Congress must come to the rescue of Ground Zero workers
NY Daily News, May 20, 2015
They did their duty and paid an awful price. Years after the fires at Ground Zero stopped smoldering, the rescue and recovery workers who breathed in the toxins there fell ill by the thousands.
Editorial: Salute to a recruit to 9/11 aid renewal
NY Daily News, May 13, 2015
An atta-boy to New Jersey Republican Rep. Scott Garrett for enlisting on Tuesday as a cosponsor of a bill that would provide continued health coverage and monetary compensation to rescue and recovery workers who were sickened at Ground Zero.
Editorial: Tom Cotton’s right stuff
NY Daily News, May 11, 2015
No one would mistake Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas for a bleeding heart. He’s a tight-fisted conservative — yet he is co-sponsoring a bill backing medical care and financial support for sickened Ground Zero rescue and recovery workers.
Reauthorization of the Zadroga 9/11 bill is an American duty (editorial)
SILive.com, April 17, 2015
To New Yorkers, especially to those of us on Staten Island, the duty to help the sick or injured heroes of 9/11 is virtually undisputed. Unfortunately, this isn’t so everywhere in America.
Pass the Zadroga bill: Congress must extend vital health assistance to ill 9/11 first responders
NY Daily News, April 15, 2015
The battle to extend federal funding for medical treatment and monetary assistance for sickened 9/11 rescue and recovery workers has reached a key turning point.